Kayin has taken the old Neophyte's Section (circa 2001) and rewritten it for 2009. You can view it by click here. If there's anything you'd like to see added, please feel free to leave a comment. This is part of a push to help people get started in our area of computers. Thanks to everybody who has been posting useful information to the forums and a special thanks to those supporters who have bought shirts from us last month. Our next big focus is to get a few solid projects released via SX Labs. We would also like to welcome Amp back from his trip to Bosnia.
Our forums are now upgraded so that all of the replies in a thread stay at the left (flat) instead of being threaded (move to the right). This should make them much easier to read and make them more like standard forums. We have also configured the forums to allow you to set your own preferences for how you want to view them. If you want them to be the old way, simply go to the bottom of the page in any active topic and change the "comment viewing options". Hopefully this makes everybody's viewing experience a little better and helps with popular topics like the demonoid invite request topic. Please let us know if there is anything else that we can do to make this site easier for everybody to use.
*NOTE* http://www.soldierx.com/bbs/TEST is a great topic to use for testing your viewing options and choosing the one that you like the best.
SOLDIERX proudly presents the official 2009 Tutorial Contest. Unlike last year, we are going to end this contest on new years rather than December 1st. This gives everybody an extra month to work on their tutorials. Rather than having a single winner this year, we will actually have 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places with much better prices! The prizes are as follows:
1st Place - Free ticket to Defcon 18 or Hacked SB5100 Modem with double memory (development modem from Defcon 16 speech)*, Party with SX crew (at DC18)**, and a SOLDIERX T-Shirt.
2nd Place - Party with SX crew (at DC18)** and a SOLDIERX T-Shirt
3rd Place - SOLDIERX T-Shirt
Tutorials can be anything computer related but preferably should have something to do with hacking, cracking, security, privacy, etc.
Everyone should expect a full tutorial about 2wire routers with ATT Uverse service coming soon as much trouble as I've had to go through today.
Sorry for the late post but we had some maintenance to do on the network tonight causing an outage of about an hour.
All has been corrected and fixed and although we do not see this becoming any kind of habit, we will be making slight changes here and there to have things setup properly for future contests and potentially war games.
So stay on the look out because even if you haven't heard from someone in while (namely myself) we're still doing things on the backend to make the site better.
Thanks for the understanding,
I would like to announce to everybody that pirrup has completed his inductee period and is now an official member of SOLDIERX. He has done a phenomenal job with his private reverse engineering work as well as his public work on MRI He has completed the most difficult of tests in order to become a member into the reverse engineering section of our group. Please give him a warm welcome and congratulations, we hope to have him in the group for a long time! Hopefully we will have some new public releases soon that pirrup will be a part of.