cisc0ninja has decided to retire from SX. He has stated that he's not currently interested in computer security, so there's no place for him here in SX. He has moved onto gaming, so if anybody plays Elder Scrolls Online - feel free to reach out to him and join him in game. We're leaving his [email protected] email account open.
Since the majority (91%) voted that they would attend a chat session where members of SOLDIERX would answer any question they wanted, we are now starting that as a weekly IRC chat on Thursday. Our current plan is to have it from noon to one (12:00-13:00) EST and then again at nine to ten (21:00-22:00) EST. We're having two time slots in hopes that everybody who wants to attend will be able to make one of the sessions. Our first meeting will be this Thursday, December 18, 2014. Hope to see you all there!