rotdex is a ROT Decoder that determines what shift was used by the cipher by outputting all the possible rotations. It uses the echo and tr commands to decode and encode the cipher.
Basic Usage
Sample Cipher: Gur dhvpx oebja sbk whzcf bire gur ynml qbt
Now if you run, it should prompt you to enter a text / message that needs to be decoded. So to decode and know the kind of sample cipher above, we obviously just need to write the cipher after the prompt of the terminal.
Sample Output:
ROT1: Ftq cguow ndaiz raj vgybe ahqd ftq xmlk pas
ROT2: Esp bftnv mczhy qzi ufxad zgpc esp wlkj ozr
ROT3: Dro aesmu lbygx pyh tewzc yfob dro vkji nyq
ROT4: Cqn zdrlt kaxfw oxg sdvyb xena cqn ujih mxp
ROT5: Bpm ycqks jzwev nwf rcuxa wdmz bpm tihg lwo
ROT6: Aol xbpjr iyvdu mve qbtwz vcly aol shgf kvn
ROT7: Znk waoiq hxuct lud pasvy ubkx znk rgfe jum
ROT8: Ymj vznhp gwtbs ktc ozrux tajw ymj qfed itl
ROT9: Xli uymgo fvsar jsb nyqtw sziv xli pedc hsk
ROT10: Wkh txlfn eurzq ira mxpsv ryhu wkh odcb grj
ROT11: Vjg swkem dtqyp hqz lworu qxgt vjg ncba fqi
ROT12: Uif rvjdl cspxo gpy kvnqt pwfs uif mbaz eph
ROT13: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
ROT14: Sgd pthbj aqnvm enw itlor nudq sgd kzyx cnf
ROT15: Rfc osgai zpmul dmv hsknq mtcp rfc jyxw bme
ROT16: Qeb nrfzh yoltk clu grjmp lsbo qeb ixwv ald
ROT17: Pda mqeyg xnksj bkt fqilo kran pda hwvu zkc
ROT18: Ocz lpdxf wmjri ajs ephkn jqzm ocz gvut yjb
ROT19: Nby kocwe vliqh zir dogjm ipyl nby futs xia
ROT20: Max jnbvd ukhpg yhq cnfil hoxk max etsr whz
ROT21: Lzw imauc tjgof xgp bmehk gnwj lzw dsrq vgy
ROT22: Kyv hlztb sifne wfo aldgj fmvi kyv crqp ufx
ROT23: Jxu gkysa rhemd ven zkcfi eluh jxu bqpo tew
ROT24: Iwt fjxrz qgdlc udm yjbeh dktg iwt apon sdv
ROT25: Hvs eiwqy pfckb tcl xiadg cjsf hvs zonm rcu
Thus, the sample cipher is ROT-13.