

SAPProx is a proof of concept tool for intercepting and modifying SAP GUI (DIAG protocol) traffic.
Details on running SAPProx can be found in the README.txt file included in the zip file.

Author: Ian de Villiers
Cost: Free
Source Code: GitHub
Version : 0.1
License : GPL
Release Date : 2011-09-02

Java runtime environment.
Custom JNI Library.

The custom JNI library is included in the download.

Binary builds of the JNI library are only available for the following platforms:
Mac OS/X
Windows (32-bit)
Linux (32-bit)

If you wish to use a different platform, please download the sources for SAPProx and SapCompress and build the library yourself.


iSniff GPS passively sniffs for SSID probes, ARPs and MDNS (Bonjour) packets broadcast by nearby iPhones, iPads and other wireless devices. The aim is to collect data which can be used to identify each device and determine previous geographical locations, based solely on information each device discloses about previously joined WiFi networks.

iOS devices transmit ARPs which sometimes contain MAC addresses (BSSIDs) of previously joined WiFi networks, as described in [1]. iSniff GPS captures these ARPs and submits MAC addresses to Apple's WiFi location service (masquerading as an iOS device) to obtain GPS coordinates for a given BSSID. If only SSID probes have been captured for a particular device, iSniff GPS can query network names on and visualise possible locations.

By geo-locating multiple SSIDs and WiFi router MAC addresses, it is possible to determine where a device (and by implication its owner) is likely to have been.

iSniff GPS contains 2 major components and further python modules: uses Scapy to extract data from a live capture or pcap file and inserts it into a database (iSniff_GPS.sqlite3 by default).

A Django web application provides a browser-based interface to view and analyse the data collected. This includes views of all detected devices and the SSIDs / BSSIDs each has probed for, a view by network, Google Maps views for visualising possible locations of a given BSSID or SSID, and a pie chart view showing a breakdown of the most popular device manufacturers based on client MAC address Ethernet OUIs. provides a QueryBSSID() function which looks up a given BSSID (AP MAC address) on Apple's WiFi location service. It will return the coordinates of the MAC queried for and usually an additional 400 nearby BSSIDs and their coordinates.


The purpose of sslnuke is to write a tool geared towards decrypting and intercepting "secured" IRC traffic. There are plenty of existing tools that intercept SSL traffic already, but most of these are geared towards HTTP traffic. sslnuke targets IRC directly in order to demonstrate how easy it is to intercept "secured" communications. sslnuke usage is simple.


First, add a user account for sslnuke to run as and add iptables rules to redirect traffic to it:

# useradd -s /bin/bash -m sslnuke
# grep sslnuke /etc/passwd
# iptables -t nat -A OUTPUT -p tcp -m owner ! --uid-owner 1000 -m tcp \
--dport 6697 --tcp-flags FIN,SYN,RST,ACK SYN -j REDIRECT --to-ports 4444

Finally, login as sslnuke, build, and run sslnuke:

# su -l sslnuke
# cd sslnuke
# make
# ./sslnuke

Run an IRC client and login to your favorite IRC network using SSL, IRC messages will be printed to stdout on sslnuke.

[*] Received connection from:
[*] Opening connection to:
[*] Connection Using SSL!
[*] -> AUTH ( *** Looking up your hostname...
[*] -> AUTH ( *** Found your hostname
[*] -> victim ( *** You are connected to with TLSv1.2-AES256-GCM-SHA384-256bits
[*] -> nickserv ( id hello
[*] [email protected] -> victim ( Password accepted - you are now recognized.

sslnuke will automatically detect a client using SSL and determine whether or not to use SSL. The code could also be easily modified to show web site passwords or FTP data, anything using SSL. To attack users on a network, sslnuke can be used in conjunction with an ARP poisoning tool, such as the one found at Blackhat Library or it can be deployed on a gateway.


SIPcrack is a toolsuite for sniffing and bruteforcing the digest authenticiation password that is sent by SIP clients registering at a SIP server. SIPcrack contains 2 programs: sipdump to capture the digest authentication and sipcrack to bruteforce the hash using a wordlist or standard input.


Tcpreplay is a suite of BSD GPLv3 licensed tools written by Aaron Turner for UNIX (and Win32 under Cygwin) operating systems which gives you the ability to use previously captured traffic in libpcap format to test a variety of network devices. It allows you to classify traffic as client or server, rewrite Layer 2, 3 and 4 headers and finally replay the traffic back onto the network and through other devices such as switches, routers, firewalls, NIDS and IPS's. Tcpreplay supports both single and dual NIC modes for testing both sniffing and inline devices.

Tcpreplay is used by numerous firewall, IDS, IPS and other networking vendors, enterprises, universities, labs and open source projects.


Captures network traffic, calculates statistics about usage, and serves reports over HTTP.


GPSD is a service daemon that handles GPSes and other navigation-related sensors reporting over USB, serial, TCP/IP, or UDP connections and presents reports in a well-documented JSON application on port 2749.


ssldump is an SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer. It identifies TCP connections on the chosen network interface and attempts to interpret them as SSLv3/TLS traffic. When it identifies SSLv3/TLS traffic, it decodes the records and displays them in a textual form to stdout. If provided with the appropriate keying material, it will also decrypt the connections and display the application data traffic.


Netdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly developed for those wireless networks without dhcp server, when you are wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks.


PBNJ is a suite of tools to monitor changes on a network over time. It does this by checking for changes on the target machine(s), which includes the details about the services running on them as well as the service state. PBNJ parses the data from a scan and stores it in a database. PBNJ uses Nmap to perform scans.

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