Nanovore is an online pokemon type game (
There is a small hardware device called a nanoscope. These things run about 30 bux to 50 bux depending on where you are.
To get one free, set up an account by installing the software (free download, windows only)
After this, contact support via their webpage and tell them you can not get the thing to sync and you get the oops error and that you followed the directions here:
And that you get an error on the PC about associating and it gives you ID: 0
Be polite and they should send you a new one to replace you broken one(that you dont really have) with a box to ship the broken one back. The don't (at this time) as for any shipping guarantee, but if you use you home address they will have that.
Once you have your nanoscope you should take it apart and start hacking, because you can train your nanovore on the nanoscope then upload them to the online game. The idea here is to find a way to just hack a super beefed up nanovore and dominate the game. I will be getting one to take apart and see where I can get but the more of you hacking at this the faster we can make progress.