Here's a host name generator I whipped together in perl for backtrack boxes.
I'll be honest, I'm not a very saavy coder, so there may very well be a better way to do this with the code. Any tips would be great, but in the mean time, this works fairly well.
#Perl Random Hostname Generator
# Files Modified:
# /etc/hostname
# /proc/sys/kernel/hostname
# A SoldierX utility by EverestX
print "****Hostname Generator****\n";
print " A SoldierX Utility\n\n";
if ($#ARGV !=) {
#This Section generates a 5 char alphanumeric value
$host = rand_host();
sub rand_host {
my @chars = ('a'..'z','0'..'9');
my $len = 4;
$host = '';
for (..$len) {
$host .= $chars[int rand @chars];
# This Section generates the 1st Letter
$letter = rand_letter();
sub rand_letter{
my @chars = ( 'A'..'Z');
my $length = ;
$letter = '';
for (..$length){
$letter .= $chars[int rand @chars];
#Combine the 1st letter & other 5 digits.
$hostname = $letter.$host;
print " Random hostname set to: $hostname \n";
#Change the host files
open (FILE1, '>/etc/hostname');
print FILE1 "$hostname";
close (FILE1);
open (FILE2, '>/proc/sys/kernel/hostname');
print FILE2 "$hostname";
close (FILE2);