FREE NewzNab NZB Newsgroup indexing Account

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Joined: 2013/01/08

Just PM me for account.

Finished TV and working on movies now. Tested with sickbeard. CUrrent releases shoudl work fine but for older stuff you need to just use search as Couchpotato uses IMDB and Sickbeard uses TVRAGEID and it may no always be mapped.

What is indexed:
* TV Movies wii IOS Android books
* current TV / MoviesHDonly ( should work find with API )
* manual search of older MoviesHDonly and TV ( sometimes not matched to ID's )
* Wii stuff
* IOS and Android

what will never be indexed/work:
* NFO search ( working on it .. )
* email for pw resets etc .. ( to lazy )
* Console other thats not wii
* Music
* boneless or a.b.warez etc ... spammed to hell groups