I need code that can reverse the encryption below.
Public Function Encrypt(ByVal StringToEncrypt As String) As String
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim intMousePointer As Integer
Dim dblCountLength As Double
Dim intRandomNumber As Integer
Dim strCurrentChar As String
Dim intAscCurrentChar As Integer
Dim intInverseAsc As Integer
Dim intAddNinetyNine As Integer
Dim dblMultiRandom As Double
Dim dblWithRandom As Double
Dim intCountPower As Integer
Dim intPower As Integer
Dim strConvertToBase As String
Const intLowerBounds = 10
Const intUpperBounds = 28
Let intMousePointer = Screen.MousePointer
Let Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass
For dblCountLength = 1 To Len(StringToEncrypt)
Let intRandomNumber = Int((intUpperBounds - intLowerBounds + 1) * Rnd + _
Let strCurrentChar = Mid(StringToEncrypt, dblCountLength, 1)
Let intAscCurrentChar = Asc(strCurrentChar)
Let intInverseAsc = 256 - intAscCurrentChar
Let intAddNinetyNine = intInverseAsc + 99
Let dblMultiRandom = intAddNinetyNine * intRandomNumber
Let dblWithRandom = Mid(dblMultiRandom, 1, 2) & intRandomNumber & _
Mid(dblMultiRandom, 3, 2)
For intCountPower = 0 To 5
If dblWithRandom / (93 ^ intCountPower) >= 1 Then
Let intPower = intCountPower
End If
Next intCountPower
Let strConvertToBase = ""
For intCountPower = intPower To 0 Step -1
Let strConvertToBase = strConvertToBase & _
Chr(Int(dblWithRandom / (93 ^ intCountPower)) + 33)
Let dblWithRandom = dblWithRandom Mod 93 ^ intCountPower
Next intCountPower
Let Encrypt = Encrypt & Len(strConvertToBase) & strConvertToBase
Next dblCountLength
Let Screen.MousePointer = intMousePointer
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
Resume Next
End Select
End Function