A new software I want to find!

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Joined: 2008/10/14

Hi guys this website (http://www.officedepot.com/a/promo/pages/0928_tech/?cm_mmc=SupportSoft-_...) came to me when looking at "Alien51" link to check the pc. I found something wonderful they can actually remotely scan your computer for viruses and !!CLEAN IT!!.

I want that software hehehe or something like it. I dont know what it is but it sounds so nice to have Smile. If anyone of you know how I could clean a pc remotely through the internet I have been trying on geek squad mri but it does not work. please tell me if you know how.

i wonder if it works with Symantec pcAnywhere 12.5 but I dont know... any information would be nice