iXtreme LT+ released: Put a stop to AP25 checks!

At the start of the month Anti-Piracy 2.5 was announced with the newest Xbox 360 Dashboard with the first two games using it being Fable 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops. Last night though, iXtreme LT+ was released for Lite-On and BenQ drives to defeat this anti-security measure. For those using Samsung drives, it cannot use the AP25 correctly so that check is turned off so they are safe. In the future there will be a release of iXtreme LT+ for drives used in the Xbox 360 slim so stay tuned if you own that version of the console. This new firmware can be downloaded at http://www.ixtreme.net/lt-lite-touch-download/ixtreme-lite-touch-t2485.html and the newest version of Jungle Flasher can be downloaded at http://jungleflasher.net/downloads.html for those who are interested.

Note: For updating to the newest dashboard, revert back to the Official Firmware first as trying to update with iXtreme on the drive will cause the console to be banned from Xbox Live.