niki1's blog

chrom dox

(function(define, require, requireNative, requireAsync, exports, console, privates,$Array, $Function, $JSON, $Object, $RegExp, $String, $Error) {'use strict';// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// chrome.runtime.messaging API implementation.

// TODO(kalman): factor requiring chrome out of here.
var chrome = requireNative('chrome').GetChrome();
var Event = require('event_bindings').Event;
var lastError = require('lastError');
var logActivity = requireNative('activityLogger');
var logging = requireNative('logging');
var messagingNatives = requireNative('messaging_natives');
var processNatives = requireNative('process');
var utils = require('utils');
var messagingUtils = require('messaging_utils');

// The reserved channel name for the sendRequest/send(Native)Message APIs.
// Note: sendRequest is deprecated.
var kRequestChannel = "chrome.extension.sendRequest";
var kMessageChannel = "chrome.runtime.sendMessage";
var kNativeMessageChannel = "chrome.runtime.sendNativeMessage";

// Map of port IDs to port object.
var ports = {};

// Change even to odd and vice versa, to get the other side of a given
// channel.
function getOppositePortId(portId) { return portId ^ 1; }

// Port object. Represents a connection to another script context through
// which messages can be passed.
function PortImpl(portId, opt_name) {
this.portId_ = portId; = opt_name;

var portSchema = {name: 'port', $ref: 'runtime.Port'};
var options = {unmanaged: true};
this.onDisconnect = new Event(null, [portSchema], options);
this.onMessage = new Event(
[{name: 'message', type: 'any', optional: true}, portSchema],
this.onDestroy_ = null;

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