Clemens Kolbitsch

IRL Name: 
Clemens Kolbitsch

Clemens Kolbitsch is a currently working as a security researcher for Lastline INC and used to work as a security researcher too at Vienna University of Technology. And in the spring of 2011, he was a research intern at at Microsoft working with Ben Livshits and Ben Zorn and they were working on the detection of malicious websites on the Internet to filter Bing search results and thus protect its users. He finished his PhD studies at the International Secure Systems Lab. His main research interests are malware analysis and detection as well as virtualization. In previous projects, he was working on memory protection, race condition detection, and wireless communication and its security. He wrote cool white papers like: "Virtual 802.11 Fuzzing ", "Removing Web Spam Links from Search Engine Results ", "Effective and Efficient Malware Detection at the End Host", "The Power of Procrastination: Detection and Mitigation of Execution-Stalling Malicious Code", etc.


Chief Architect and Lead Developer of Anubis, a website or tool used for analyzing the behavior of Windows PE-executables with special focus on the analysis of malware.
