Mohit Kumar, Unix Root, The Evil Hackerz

IRL Name: 
Mohit Kumar

Mohit Kumar is the founder and Editor-in-chief of The Hacker News which is website that brings you news related to computer security, information security and hacking. He is from Delhi, India. He is good in SEO that is why his website has many hits. In an interview he had with a journalist from Hacker5 Magazine, he said , "I am the most secured person in the world, so hack me if you can....."


Friend of Rahul Tyagi.

He is the founder of the website

Profits off plagiarized content from different websites without proper references and sources.

He claims that he is an Internet Activist, strong supporter of Anonymous and the Wikileaks.


The main reason for the India - Pakistan Cyber War as detailed in the magazine "#operation India| The Inside Story"
