Stefano Zanero

IRL Name: 
Stefano Zanero

Stefano Zanero holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. degree in Computer Engineering from the Politecnico of Milano university. His doctoral thesis deals with the application of unsupervised learning algorithms to Intrusion Detection Systems. His current research interests include, besides learning IDSs, the security of web applications and computer virology. He has been a speaker at international scientific and technical conferences such as CanSecWest, Black Hat and IT Underground, and he is the author and co-author of books and articles published in international, peer reviewed journals and conferences. Since 2004 he is a partner and CTO of Secure Network, a firm specializing in information security training and consulting, based in Milan, Italy.


He is a member of the board of the "Journal in Computer Virology", and acts as a reviewer for the "ACM Computing Reviews" and "IEEE Security&Privacy", and various international conferences.

He is a member of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) and the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), and of ISSA (Information Systems Security Association).

He is also a regular columnist of the “Security Manager’s Journal” on Computer World Italy, and has been awarded a journalism award.
