Steve Gibson is a computer programmer and a self-proclaimed security researcher who is the founder of Gibson Research Corporation, which is best known for its SpinRite software. Gibson has had a very long career in the technology field; his resume lists jobs he had held back to the age of 13. Coincidentally, his website was taken down with DDoS by a 13-year-old on May 4th, 2001. He began in hardware projects but moved more toward software development in the 1980s. One of his early successes during this period was a light pen graphics system for the Apple II.
In some professional security circles, he is not considered a reputable security professional, rather more of a snake oil salesman peddling third-rate software with bold claims. While many of his claims are a bit outlandish or bold, few, if any, are demonstrably false. He is also included in's security charlatans.