
IRL Name: 
Petko D. Petkov

Petko D. Petkov is the founder and leading member of the GNUCITIZEN Information Security Think Tank. He is an information security researcher, security tools developer, penetration tester, frequent speaker at industry recognized events like BlackHat, and a published author who has contributed to several best-selling books, numerous popular blogs and online magazines. He is also the founder of Websecurify where he is involved in the development of an automatic and manual penetration testing tools and solutions. Websecurify is the first and only testing platform in the world which can run virtually on any computing device including Google Android, Apple iOS, all current browsers, as a server and compiled in various languages including Java, Objective-C, C and others.


Author of the books; "Google Hacking for Penetration Testers Second Edition" and "Cross Site Scripting Attacks: XSS Exploits and Defense"

He discovered JAR manipulation attacks in Mozilla Firefox and SUN Java JVM.

He discovered Command Fixation Attacks in CITRIX and Microsoft RDP.

He discovered Command Execution vulnerabilities in Adobe PDF, Apple QuickTime, and Mozilla Firefox (QuickTime).

Noted for his discovery of a Local Zone Execution in Skype via WiFi

He discovered a critical vulnerability in QuickTime affecting Windows Vista and XP.

Noted for his discovery of design bugs in the DHCP Protocol and Flash leading to Remote UPnP Attacks.
