
IRL Name: 
Jay Freeman

Jay Freeman or saurik is the developer of Cydia which is a an alternative to Apple's App Store for "jailbroken" devices, at this time including iPhones, iPads, and iPod Touches, specializing in the distribution of all that is not an "app".


He ported the exploit for Linux Local Privilege Escalation via SUID /proc/pid/mem Write to Android 4.0. This exploit is known as Mempodroid which is termed after Mempodipper.

Developer of Anakrino which is the first C# decompiler for Microsoft's .NET.

Coded ircWAB which is a HTTP based IRC client, without Java or Flash.

Author of Telesphoreo, a distribution of Unix software for modern smartphones.

Other projects include: Chora/SVN , Cycorder, Cycript, Cyrket, Menes/C++, Java/iPhone, FQL/JDBC, Nmap+V, s3fs and Quotes - Facebook application.
