
Microsoft Windows


Current forces are putting pressure on organizations to secure their applications fast. The Veracode product suite facilitates that for you and we make implementation a breeze with our private cloud delivery platform. There's no hardware to buy; no software to install; no disruption to current systems; no intensive developer training; and you can be up and running in minutes.

Erd / Msdart

Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset (MSDaRT) 6.5 helps diagnose and repair a system that has trouble starting or has other issues. When you start the system using the Emergency Repair Disk (ERD), also referred to as Boot CD for MSDaRT, a System Recovery Options dialog box appears. A graphical environment and a command-line console are available. The command-line console can be opened by clicking the Command Prompt option in the System Recovery Options menu. You can access any Windows® 7 or Windows Server® 2008 R2 file system, which includes FAT, FAT32, and NTFS. Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset is available on the System Recovery Options menu. Clicking MSDaRT opens a detailed MSDaRT Tools menu which presents various recovery tools.


Hackbar is another firefox add on that acts as a simple security audit / Penetration test tool


Tamper data is a firefox add on that is used to view and modify HTTP/HTTPS headers and post parameters


The OWASP Hackademic Challenges are an open source project that can be used to test and improve one's knowledge of web application security.

The OWASP Hackademic Challenges project implements realistic scenarios with known vulnerabilities in a safe, controllable environment. Users can attempt to discover and exploit these vulnerabilities in order to learn important concepts of information security through the attacker's perspective.

HTTP Post Tool

A tool for the purpose of performing web application security assessment around the availability concerns. Web Denial of Service Attack tool.


Mantra is a collection of free and open source tools integrated into a web browser, which can become handy for students, penetration testers, web application developers,security professionals etc. It is portable, ready-to-run, compact and follows the true spirit of free and open source software.


JBroFuzz is a web application fuzzer for requests being made over HTTP or HTTPS. Its purpose is to provide a single, portable application that offers stable web protocol fuzzing capabilities


ProxMon is an extensible Python based framework that reduces testing effort, improves consistency and reduces errors. Its use requires limited additional effort as it processes the proxy logs that you’re already generating and reports discovered issues. In addition to penetration testing, ProxMon is useful in QA, developer testing and regression testing scenarios.


WebSlayer is a tool designed for brute forcing Web Applications, it can be used to discover not linked resources (directories, servlets, scripts, etc), brute force GET and POST parameters, brute force Forms parameters (User/Password), Fuzzing, etc. The tools has a payload generator and a easy and powerful results analyzer to aid the tester in all the brute force tests.

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