


Enum4linux is a tool for enumerating information from Windows and Samba systems. It attempts to offer similar functionality to enum.exe formerly available from www.bindview.com.

It is written in PERL and is basically a wrapper around the Samba tools smbclient, rpclient, net and nmblookup. The samba package is therefore a dependency.


WinDump is the Windows version of tcpdump, the command line network analyzer for UNIX. WinDump is fully compatible with tcpdump and can be used to watch, diagnose and save to disk network traffic according to various complex rules. It can run under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista.

Goolag Scanner

The Goolag Scanner is a tool that has been released by the Cult of the Dead Cow to automate Google hacking using 1,500 predefined search queries.

The original site is down, I found a copy of the tool on the packet storm website. Old school tool, still works ok to automate the google information gathering phase.

Cisco Auditing Tool

Cisco Auditing Tool - Perl script which scans cisco routers for common vulnerabilities. Checks for default passwords, easily guessable community names, and the IOS history bug. Includes support for plugins and scanning multiple hosts.


Cross Site "Scripter" (aka XSSer) is an automatic -framework- to detect, exploit and report XSS vulnerabilities in web-based applications. It contains several options to try to bypass certain filters, and various special techniques of code injection.


Fancy going from a SQL Injection on Microsoft SQL Server to a full GUI access on the DB? Take a few new SQL Injection tricks, add a couple of remote shots in the registry to disable Data Execution Prevention, mix with a little Perl that automatically generates a debug script, put all this in a shaker with a Metasploit wrapper, shake well and you have just one of the attack modules of sqlninja!
Sqlninja is a tool targeted to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end.
Its main goal is to provide a remote access on the vulnerable DB server, even in a very hostile environment. It should be used by penetration testers to help and automate the process of taking over a DB Server when a SQL Injection vulnerability has been discovered.

Smtp User Enum

Smtp Enum is a tool that enumerates smtp user and OS user accounts via the Smtp Service.

Pass the Hash Toolkit

The Pass-The-Hash Toolkit contains utilities to manipulate the Windows Logon Sessions mantained by the LSA (Local Security Authority) component. These tools allow you to list the current logon sessions with its corresponding NTLM credentials (e.g.: users remotely logged in thru Remote Desktop/Terminal Services), and also change in runtime the current username, domain name, and NTLM hashes (YES, PASS-THE-HASH on Windows!).


SnmpWalk is a part of the Net-Snmp toolkit, these tools are used to enumerate and perform other information gathering related to snmp.


Snmp Enum is an enumeration tool that enumerates many things pertaining to the simple network management protocol.

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