
Kautilya is a toolkit which provides various payloads for a Human Interface Device which may help in breaking in a computer. Written in Ruby, the toolkit contains useful payloads and modules which could be used at different stages of a Penetration Test. Kautilya is tested with Teensy++ device but could be used with most of the HIDs. It has been successfully tested for breaking into Windows 7, Ubuntu11 and Mac OS X Lion.

- The Windows payloads and modules are written mostly in powershell (in combination with native commands) and are tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

- The Linux payloads are mostly shell scripts (those installed by default) in combination with commands. These are tested on Ubuntu 11.

- The OS X payloads are shell scripts (those installed by default) with usage of native commands. Tested on OS X Lion running on a VMWare

- To get the latest version of the toolkit you should checkout the svn repository using

"svn checkout http://kautilya.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/ kautilya"

In principle, Kautilya should work with any HID capable of acting as a keyboard. Kautilya has been tested on Teensy++2.0 and Teensy 3.0 from pjrc.com.