Getting the most from Google

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SX Retired
Joined: 2010/01/14

As many of you out there know, Google is a very handy tool for learning new things and researching information. But finding the RIGHT information can be somewhat difficult, especially with vague topics. There are several methods to use when searching Google to turn better responses to your searches. This post is mainly meant for those who have yet more to learn.

Below I am posting a few links to websites that explain both the syntax and structure of Google searches as well as some effective searching techniques. Because I got the information from other locations I am not yet a pro at searching, but I have found that these techniques provide more than adequate results.

[Google Search Syntax Dissected]

[Tips for Searching Effectively with Google]

These things may seem elementary but if you have never tried them before, you would be amazed. I will add more links in time and if anyone finds more effective google search pages, you can post them there

if you find this information helpful, let me know


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