Hey, Its Been Quite Awhile since I Have Been Here, and I Think this is my First Poste, like Ever,... But Last night, I was hacking a WEP wifi accesspoint, as I have done Hundreds, if not thousands of times, and NO I do not use them for internet access, its more of a hobby, to see if I can beat my time record... But Nevertheless, I Ran Backtrack 4 off Live Cd, Changed My Mac to 00:11:00:11:00:11 and ran airodump-ng, got the WEP wifi I wanted, then when i ran Aireplay-ng -1 0 -**:**:**:**:** -h 00:11:00:11:00:11 and so on,... after about ten seconds after associating, my laptop went into a shutdown, and the keyboard completely froze, then a message popped up stating, "You Suck, Biotch" and my laptop shut down, What I Wish to Know Is NOT revenge, But How was this done?