Rar Password retrievel

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Joined: 2011/06/18

Ok so this seemed like a good place to ask cause it's such a newb move. I've got a Rar archive that I stored sensitive data in but I forgot the exact password I gave it cause it's a mixture of my usual passwording scheme mixed up with something spontaneous. I have a fairly good idea of what most of the password is but just need a tool that can run a dictionary attack on a rar archive. I figured i'd type out all the possible combo's of the password I can think of in a text file and run that against the rar archive instead of spending countless tries of typing it in, failing, re-opening to type yet again and losing track of what password combo's i've already tried. Or even something that I can do a sort of half dictionary half brute force attack on. Where I fill in the pieces I know to be correct and the parts where my memory is hazy are brute forced. Like using wildcards of a sort. such as *a*s**r* and then the bruteforce would run against the *'s and return password instead of just *a*s**r*. Can anyone point me in a decent direction? Or maybe have alternative ideas? The Rar is passworded and the files are encrypted inside.