Setting up Xchat for soldierx irc

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.Avenger.'s picture
Joined: 2018/05/14

Guys, I am having a few difficulties in setting up Xchat for the soldierx IRC I have never used one before and would like to become part of the IRC channel if someone could give me a little insight on how to use Xchat and place the servers of soldierx inside the program were i could join would be very helpful i am a newb so please excuse the stupidity of my ignorance or lack of understanding of how to use the irc client or understand the instructions given on the site I have never used an IRC before thankyou Guys for taking a look at the post. Puzzled

Guys no longer needed as RaT has answered the question in full.

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion