I just thought I would let everyone know that like Amp, I also will not be posting anything until after the first week of November. He is also correct in stating my decision to suspend the movie rants until further notice. Now I'm not saying that I won't be posting them anymore, it's just that I don't feel like watching a ton a shitty movies right now. I do plan on bringing them back in some form, probably not written since it's very hard to write about how shitty a movie really is and then have people get a feel for it.
For right now I'm thinking of doing something different with my posts. The current idea I'm working with is Bond in November. Now, I'm a huge Bond fan and since Quantum of Solace is being released next month, I might as well spread the knowledge of Bond movies, books and trivia. All 23 movies (my hat off to anyone who knows what I mean by the 23rd movie) and a few of the books that I have had the pleasure in reading.
Until then.....