I know lately I've been doing posts blasting how some consumer products have taken steps in the wrong direction. Well, there is one part of gaming in particular that needs to be addressed, and it's the Wiimote!
When the Wii was announced as using a remote for the games, many people (myself included) were like, ok that's a good way to bring in other demographics, so what else will there be. Well, fast forward to a bit over 3 years later and to say the least I am none too amused with how things turned out. First, for some games there are those of us who like to use Arcade Joysticks, and all of the available products require a Wiimote. Newer players won't mind, but anybody who has played for a while knows that wireless lags regardless and cuts out, thus is why many people use the commandment "Thou shalt not be wireless" for all controllers in relation to shmups, fighting games, and more difficult platformers. This decision to force wireless in games is ridiculous, and has resulted in me opting not to buy games like Megaman 9 and Megaman 10's due to them insisting to force the Wireless gimmick further by only allowing the Wiimote to be used.
Another issue is that Nintendo, the company who introduced the concept of a built in rechargable battery into their handheld consoles with the Game Boy Advance SP, requires AA batteries for the Wiimote and the Wii Balance Board. Pretty much with how fast the batteries are drained by the controller, they may as well change their motto to "Now you're playing with only 5 minutes of power!" Instead of having third parties making accessories to recharge the batteries, Nintendo THEMSELVES need to address this issue. Also, while I'm on it I may as well call out the Wii MotionPlus for what it is, a technological gimmick that won't be used on too many games. Instead of selling a gimmick that won't enhance the gameplay of what I am playing, they need to make a Wiimote that doesn't devour AAs faster than Eternal devouring food at a buffet.