SH4D0W's blog

Why I am here and Why I want to learn.

I guess I should start by saying that I am already a convict.
I got bad rap when I was playing with the wrong crowd, sort-a-speak.
So now, I go to school because it is what I always wanted to do, but this time
I know what it is that I am after. I know what I want to do with what is left of my life.
I am going to be the best at what I do because that is what I have always done in the past.

I do not wish to work for anyone. I have wasted enough time doing that.
I am in it for ME, and me alone. I am going to do things MY way from now on.
Of course, I know I am going to have to rely on a few trusted individuals, but
here in the web, I don't have to let them know where to find me. That was my mistake
last time around and not to be repeated.

Yes, a few years older, and hopefully wiser, this time around.
I am not here to stop the machine from being exploited by the Corporations, no.

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