hasbeenhonshu's blog

Nice to be here...

I found this site while looking through the Internet for a definition of the phrase "control structures", a phrase that was used in a thread on my online university course; COMP230. I hate having to answer threads that ask questions which the course has not even addressed or in this case nothing on the eplatform even used the phrase "control structures". Really puts a burr under my saddle, uh huh.

The course is VBScripting with Database and the question was "Discuss the control structures used by VBScript to make conditional decisions and repeat blocks of code. Give examples of code using these decision-making and loop structures" Now having some experience with programming over the last thirty years I sort of knew what the question was alluding to, but still it got my dander up having been asked to expound on a concept that was not covered explicitly in that week's lecture.

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