Harri Hursti

IRL Name: 
Harri Hursti

Harri Hursti is a Finnish computer programmer and former chairman of the board and co-founder of ROMmon, where he supervised in the development of the world's smallest 2-gigabit traffic analysis product that was later acquired by F-Secure Corporation. Hursti participates in the Black Box Voting hack studies, along with Dr. Herbert "Hugh" Thompson. The memory card hack demonstrated in Leon County is popularly known as "the Hursti Hack". This hack was part of a series of four voting machine hacking tests organized by the nonprofit election watchdog group Black Box Voting in collaboration with the producers of HBO documentary Hacking Democracy (2006). The studies demonstrated serious security flaws in the voting systems of Diebold Election Systems. Hursti also appeared in the HBO documentary Kill Chain: The Cyber War on America's Elections (2020).


He has lived in the United States since 2009.

He is one of the forefronts of investigating how US elections can be hacked specifically the voting machines.

He bought about 200 used voting machines and allowed DEFCON attendees to hack it in the DEFCON 25 Voting Machine Hacking Village.
