

IRL Name: 
Douglas Berdeaux

Douglas Berdeaux a.k.a Trevelyn is an OSWP Wireless Penetration Tester from Greater Pittsburgh Area and the founder of WeakNet Laboratories, a small computer lab in Pittsburgh, PA. He is the developer of WEAKERTHAN Linux which is a penetration testing distro aimed for wireless penetration testing, web hacking and based on Debian Squeeze. He is an author of various wireless penetration testing tools which are pre-installed and categorized in his distro. His main focus is primarily on his WEAKERTHAN Linux and web application hacking now. His old works include WardriveSQL, GPS-Parser-ng, WPA Phishing Attack for EAP Phishing, SSWR (Scripted Security for Wireless Routers), Wificake-NG, Catchme-NG, Perlwd (Perl UNiX MD5 HASH Cracking application), and PerlWEPper. For more information about his works you can just go to his website: http://weaknetlabs.com/main/


Ian Murdock

IRL Name: 
Ian Murdock

Ian Ashley Murdock was born April 28, 1973. He is the founder of the Debian distribution in 1993, then an undergraduate at Purdue University and led the project from its inception to 1996. He is also the noted founder of Progeny Linux Systems, a commercial Linux company. He is the vice president of emerging platforms at Sun and a member of the senior leadership team of Sun’s cloud computing group working at the intersection of open source and cloud computing. He launched Project Indiana, an effort designed to lower barriers to adoption for the Solaris platform that led to the OpenSolaris distribution.

Under suspicious circumstances, Ian Murdock was found dead on December 28th, 2015, having committed suicide after two incidents involving the police.


Grace Hopper

IRL Name: 
Grace Hopper

Rear Admiral Grace was an American computer scientist and a decorated US Navy officer. She graduated from Vassar with a B.A. in Mathematics in 1928 and worked under algebraist Oystein Ore at Yale for her M.A. and Ph.D. She joined the Navy WAVES (Women Accepted for Voluntary Emergency Service) in December 1943. She was one of the pioneer programmers of Mark I, an electro-mechanical computer and IBM Automatic Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC). Mark I was used in the U.S. Navy Bureau of Ships.

In 1949, Hopper became an employee of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation as a senior mathematician and joined the team developing the UNIVAC I.

She also conceptualized the idea of machine-independent programming languages, which led to the development of COBOL,.

She was hired as a senior consultant to the Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), a position she retained until her death in 1992, aged 85.


Tim Paterson

IRL Name: 
Tim Paterson

Tim Paterson is an American computer programmer and software designer who was born on June 1, 1956. He developed a "clone" of CP / M which was disassembled and altered, and which he called DOS. He was hired by Microsoft to carry his work, to conduct "some changes" and "transform" the operating system. He was the founder of a software development company called Paterson Technology.


Gary Kildall

IRL Name: 
Gary Kildall

Gary Kildall is an American computer scientist and microcomputer entrepreneur who was noted for creating CP / M operating system first industry standard. He was born on May 19, 1942 in Seattle, Washington.

He died on July 8, 1994 where he fell at a Monterey, California, biker bar and hit his head.

In March 1995,he was honored by the Software Publishers Association (now the Software and Information Industry Association) for his contributions to the microcomputer industry:

-Introduction of operating systems with preemptive multitasking and windowing capabilities and menu-driven user interfaces.
-Creation of the first diskette track buffering schemes, read-ahead algorithms, file directory caches, and RAM disk emulators.
-Introduction of a binary recompiler in the 1980s.
-The first programming language and first compiler specifically for microprocessors.
-The first microprocessor disk operating system, which eventually sold a quarter of a million copies.
-The first computer interface for video disks to allow automatic nonlinear playback, presaging today's interactive multimedia.
-The file system and data structures for the first consumer CD-ROM.
-The first successful open system architecture by segregating system-specific hardware interfaces in a set of BIOS routines.



IRL Name: 
Amit Malik

Amit Malik is an independent security researcher and one of the core contributors of Security Xploded. His main areas of interest are Programming, Reverse engineering, Exploit Development, Malware analysis. He is currently working as a Security Researcher at McAfee Labs.


Nagareshwar Talekar

IRL Name: 
Nagareshwar Talekar

Nagareshwar Talekar is an independent security researcher and programmer from Bengaluru Area, India. Has 10 years of experience in Reverse Engineering, Malware Analysis, System Security, Application Virtualization and Software Development. He is the man behind Security Xploded which is a Research & Development portal offering free Security Softwares, latest Research Articles and free Training on Revere Engineering & Malware Analysis.



IRL Name: 
Saviour Emmanuel Ekiko

Saviour Emmanuel Ekiko is a computer & network security professional who hails from Nigeria. Not much is known about his personal life but he is the author of Fern Wifi Cracker which is a GUI suite for wireless security auditing application that is written in python and uses python-qt4. His application uses the aircrack-ng suite of tools. His tool has also a Geographical location Mac address tracker.


D3vil Hunt3rs

IRL Name: 
Shubham Dawra

Shubham Dawra is an independent security researcher and one of the contributors and members of Security Xploded from Chandigarh Area, India. He is into programming, network security and vulnerability research.




Javangelo is a Mechanical Engineering graduate but spends most of his time in programming. He is the founder of the website www.appnimi.com and one of the members of Security Xploded. He is into releasing password recovery tools which are archived in his website and in the official website of Security Xploded. Known in Security Xploded for coding an all in one password recovery tool for ZIP, RAR, PDF, XLS, XLSX etc. and supports Dictionary and Brute-force password recovery techniques.

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