OWASP Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework

OWASP Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework is an advanced Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability detection and exploitation framework. It provides Zero False Positive scan results with its unique Triple Browser Engine (Trident, WebKit, and Gecko) embedded scanner. It is claimed to have the world’s 2nd largest XSS Payloads of about 1500+ distinctive XSS Payloads for effective XSS vulnerability detection and WAF Bypass. It is incorporated with a feature rich Information Gathering module for target Reconnaissance. The tool supports both manual mode and automated time sharing based test modes. The exploitation framework in the tool includes a XSS encoder, a victim side XSS keystroke logger, an Executable Drive-by downloader and a XSS Reverse Shell. The Exploit Framework includes highly offensive XSS exploitation modules for Penetration Testing and Proof of Concept creation.