


SSLScan queries SSL services, such as HTTPS, in order to determine the ciphers that are supported. SSLScan is designed to be easy, lean and fast. The output includes prefered ciphers of the SSL service, the certificate and is in Text and XML formats.


dnstracer determines where a given Domain Name Server (DNS) gets its information from, and follows the chain of DNS servers back to the servers which know the data. Dnstracer is a standard unix tool.


Tunnels TCP over UDP packets. Runs in user space on Linux, Solaris, Cygwin (with IPv6 extension), and native Win32.


Netdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly developed for those wireless networks without dhcp server, when you are wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks.


PBNJ is a suite of tools to monitor changes on a network over time. It does this by checking for changes on the target machine(s), which includes the details about the services running on them as well as the service state. PBNJ parses the data from a scan and stores it in a database. PBNJ uses Nmap to perform scans.


This tool was originally written to demonstrate and exploit IE's vulnerabilityto a specific "basicConstraints" man-in-the-middle attack. While Microsoft has since fixed the vulnerability that allowed leaf certificates to act as signing certificates, this tool is still occasionally useful for other purposes.

It is designed to MITM all SSL connections on a LAN, and dynamically generates certs for the domains that are being accessed on the fly. The new certificates are constructed in a certificate chain that is signed by any certificate that you provide.


ftp-like client to access SMB/CIFS resources on servers. This tool is part of the linux samba suite.


Sipsak is a voip sip router hacking utility


iodine lets you tunnel IPv4 data through a DNS server. This can be usable in different situations where internet access is firewalled, but DNS queries are allowed.

Pwnie Express - Raspberry Pwn

Pwnie Express is happy to announce the initial release of Raspberry Pwn! Security enthusiasts can now easily turn their Raspberry Pi into a full-featured security penetration testing and auditing platform! This fully open-source release includes the following testing tools:

SET Fasttrack kismet aircrack-ng nmap dsniff netcat nikto xprobe scapy wireshark tcpdump ettercap hping3 medusa macchanger nbtscan john ptunnel p0f ngrep tcpflow openvpn iodine httptunnel cryptcat sipsak yersinia smbclient sslsniff tcptraceroute pbnj netdiscover netmask udptunnel dnstracer sslscan medusa ipcalc dnswalk socat onesixtyone tinyproxy dmitry fcrackzip ssldump fping ike-scan gpsd darkstat swaks arping tcpreplay sipcrack proxychains proxytunnel siege sqlmap wapiti skipfish w3af

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