hwk is an easy-to-use wireless authentication and deauthentication tool. Furthermore, it also supports probe response fuzzing, beacon injection flooding, antenna alignment and various injection testing modes. Information gathering is selected by default and shows the incoming traffic indicating the packet types.
What is hwk?
hwk is a collection of packet crafting/network flooding tools:
- hawk for flooding the air with preconfigured or non-interactivly
gained information
- eagle for RADIOTAP WLAN MGT and LLC header packet crafting. It also
supports appending random 'payload'
WARNING: This is an BETA release since it hasn't been tested sufficiently.
- libpcap
How to install?
(as root) make install
make clean
INFO: CAP_NET_RAW, CAP_NET_ADMIN, CAP_SYS_ADMIN (ioctls) capabilities are automa
tically set during installation.
See --help or the man files of hawk/eagle or man files!