Recent posts

Type Title Author Replies Last Postsort icon
HDB Seymour Cray Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB King Blotto Amp 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Agrajag The Prolonged Anonymous 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Shawn Fanning Anonymous 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Lex Luthor Amp 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Lord Micro cisc0ninja 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Stefan Von Neumann Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Red Knight cisc0ninja 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Steve Bellovin Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Seeker, CKER Anonymous 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Neutrino cisc0ninja 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Steve Crocker Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB ZOD Anonymous 16 years 34 weeks
HDB The Plague cisc0ninja 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Steve Jobs Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Crazy Eddie cisc0ninja 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Billy_The_Kid cisc0ninja 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Steve Shirley Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Nynex Phreak Anonymous 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Wing Amp 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Woz Anonymous 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Supernigger Anonymous 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Steven C. Tweedie Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Datastream Cowboy cisc0ninja 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Susy Thunder, Susan Thunder Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Ted Codd Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Ted Holm Nelson Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Theo de Raadt Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Theodore Y. Ts'o Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Timothy J. Berners-Lee Vash 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Frank Drake, Sir Francis Drake Vash 16 years 34 weeks
News Site Release Information RaT 16 years 34 weeks
News Return of Amp Divorax RaT 16 years 34 weeks
News Lloth now a member of SOLDIERX RaT 16 years 34 weeks
Forum topic FAQ is broken RaT 1 16 years 34 weeks
Forum topic Navigation Menu sparxl3r 1 16 years 34 weeks
News Hacker Database durandal 1 16 years 34 weeks
Forum topic search cisc0ninja 2 16 years 34 weeks
HDB cisc0ninja Amp 16 years 34 weeks
HDB Spender RaT 16 years 33 weeks
Forum topic Old but usefull watchmaker 16 years 33 weeks
Forum topic On the go Useful toolkits watchmaker 16 years 33 weeks
HDB Pitbull RaT 16 years 33 weeks
Forum topic General discussion forum? Ideal 2 16 years 32 weeks
Forum topic Fragweb now an affiliate with soldier x FragUPlenty 4 16 years 32 weeks
Tools OTR (Off-The-Record) Messaging otacon 16 years 32 weeks
Forum topic Coming Soon watchmaker 1 16 years 31 weeks
Forum topic Hack3r Wargames ocyrus 3 16 years 30 weeks
Forum topic Uncapping Cable Modems adol_ivxx 2 16 years 30 weeks
Forum topic Where is everyone at, and why is IRC down? Origin 7 16 years 30 weeks