How great is my wife?

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Joined: 2009/08/15

So on Saturday I go to my favorite beer store on the corner, and they have a lot of the high alcohol beers, ales & porters on clearance sale. Stuff that is usually $15-$25 a 4-pack, for $4.99.

I pick up a couple and bring them home and tell my wife about it.
Her response was "You didn't get them all?"
I say, well it would be about 150-200 for all of them, there was a bunch.
She says "well you would drink them"

So on Sunday I go down there and clean off the table, 7 cases of high end beer, ale & stouts, some of them 9% alcohol content, a lot in the 7-8 range, and a bunch in 5-6%. I added up the savings, and it was nearly $300 in markdowns.

Some of it has been re-fermented, so that there is live yeast still in the bottle, and the alcohol content will rise over time.

I love my wife.
What a great wife.
