Hacking an account on a Gaming Website

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Joined: 2015/09/19

Hi there, Not sure if any of you around here play a game called SAMP but it stands for San Andreas Multi Player. I play a server on which has around 500 players and I wanted to hack an Administrator's account on the gaming forums. I believe they aint a very known community to people and wont have the best security protection but I have no idea at all in hacking account's and so on. I'm just looking for someone trust worthy who'll do it and In return I'll pay at least $5. I have no idea in hacking and I'm just desperate in gaining access to this user account. The account on the forums Im trying to hack is forums.ls-rp.com and an admins account called "Ethanol" there. If anyone has any idea in how to gain access to this user's account or any other administrator user account on the website then please let me know on my skype which is: "ozaifkhan123" I'm willing to pay $5.