Hello, my name is Thane. You can call me Origin. I was made Vice president(VP) of SoldierX a few months back out of the blue. I haven't been around. I just moved to Texas, and just started collage. I'm currently working on getting my bachelors degree in information technology. Still, I have been keeping my eye on you all. I see a lot of things happened. Most of which I choose not to discuss. A individual brought shame to SoldierX. I plan on making sure an occurrence such as that one never happens again. Meaning, I'll be monitoring the site full time.
Well, I got here on the August 6th. So far I'm not used to the heat. Also I don't even have a house yet. I'm staying with friends. Other than that I dunno what to say other than, that the food is fucking awesome. First time I ever ate at a churches chicken my taste buds exploded. I still haven't ate a what'dburger or went to a IMAX theater but it's on my list. Also, the women here are fucking hot as hell. Never had such a extensive selection before. Other than that... Give me a little while more so, that I can get some things setup, then I will have some time to do some work.