Anybody that has been checking the "recent posts" with any frequency has noticed the flood of images over the past few days. This is due to all of the SX archives being pulled out from their dusty binders and put into my computer's DVD drive. I am currently searching and digging through 10 years of content in an attempt to get all of the work done by previous members of SX incorporated into our new site. I have been talking to cisc0ninja and he thinks it would be a good idea for us to release source code to projects that are still applicable today.
The IRC server took a crap over the weekend on account of a major power outage. Unfortunately the UPS can only last for so long so the server had to be shut down. Power is now restored and the server is back online. I am still unsure if we should have our own IRC server or not. It does not seem that it gets the use that was originally anticipated. If anybody knows of any networks that we should host our IRC on instead of hosting it ourselves, please let me know. We used to have it hosted on axenet, so that might be a good place to consider going back to.
I would like to start by wishing everybody a Happy New Year. As any of you that have been paying attention to the news here at SX, the tutorial contest ended today. If you couldn't guess from the title of this news post, Kayin is the winner for his tutorial on covert channels ( We thought that it was a unique paper dealing with steganography. I hope that more and more people will contribute tutorials in order to share knowledge with the SX community.
There are a number of server changes that are in the process of taking place for both hardening and optimization. Although for the most part things are operational, users may experience periods of time where the site may be difficult to reach due to restarting services and certain configuration changes.
Our previous sponsor forgot to pay the bill and our setup was formatted without warning by the previous host. This resulted in the downtime on Monday until now. I've been up for awhile, so please forgive grammatical and spelling errors in this post. I contacted the SX crew about what could be done and cisc0ninja agreed to have his hosting company host us for now. Due to the fact that he does a kickass job as an admin, we were able to get the site back up in 48 hours instead of 2 weeks like the last outage.
On December 20th starting from 6 AM to 12 AM and going as long as possible I will do a live complete playthrough of Beatmania IIDX 15: DJ Troopers as a fundraiser for Child's Play.
The rules of this playthrough are the following:
- All songs are to be played through to the best of my abilities. (Note: Due to the fact that nobody has figured out how to unlock The Last Striker yet that song may end up omitted unless something changes on Friday afternoon.)