Oxblood Ruffin a member of the hacker group CULT OF THE DEAD COW (cDc), for which he serves as "Foreign Minister." He is also the founder and executive director of Hacktivismo, an off-shoot of cDc. Ruffin is active in human rights causes and is a vocal proponent of hacktivism, a term which he has helped to define. He has participated in both technology and human rights conferences, both on his own and along with cDc.
Ruffin is also an infrequent contributor to both the cDc blog and the Hacktivismo News blog.
Works/ed for L0pht Heavy Industries which later became @stake inc. developing many tools such as the windows password cracker L0pht Crack, and Antisniff software.
He has also worked for BBN Technologies Inc. who created ARPANET for the U.S. military/government.
Dildog is now the co-founder and chief scientist of Veracode. He is the main patent holder for Veracode, based in Burlington, Mass. He worked at L0pht Heavy Industries and then at the company @Stake (later bought by Symantec). While at @stake he looked for security weaknesses in software and led the development of Smart Risk Analyzer (SRA). He co-authored the best-selling Windows password auditing tool @stake LC (L0phtCrack) and the AntiSniff network intrusion detection system.
He is also a member of Cult of the Dead Cow and its Ninja Strike Force. Formerly, he was a member of L0pht and subsequent employee of @stake and Symantec, where he was responsible for many security advisories.
DilDog is best known as the author of the original code for Back Orifice 2000, an open source remote administration tool. He is also well known as the author of "The Tao of Windows Buffer Overflow."
One of the three founders of Cult of the Dead Cow (cDc), Grandmaster Ratte' is most famous for helping retards at hacker cons realize they will never be smart.
One of the founding members of CDC