Eugene H. Spafford is one of the senior, most recognized leaders in the field of computing. He has been honored with nearly every possible award in cyber security, including induction into the Cyber Security Hall of Fame; every major award at Purdue University for teaching; and many major awards for distinguished service to the computing community, including the CRA Distinguished Service Award. He is the only person to receive all three of the National Computer Security Award, be inducted into the Cyber Security Hall of Fame, and receive the Hal Tipton Award. He is also the only person ever to be named as a Fellow of the combination of the (ISC)2, ISSA, ACM, IEEE, and AAAS.
Spaf (as he is known to friends) has established an on-going record of accomplishment as a senior advisor and consultant on issues of security and intelligence, education, cybercrime and computing policy to a number of major companies, law enforcement organizations, academic and government agencies, including Microsoft, Intel, Tripwire, SignaCert, Unisys, the US Air Force, the National Security Agency, the GAO, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the National Science Foundation, the Department of Justice, the Department of Energy, and the staff of two Presidents of the United States. With over three decades of experience as a researcher and instructor, Professor Spafford has worked in software engineering, reliable distributed computing, host and network security, digital forensics, computing policy, and computing curriculum design. He is responsible for a number of "firsts" in several of these areas.
Dr. Eugene Spafford is a professor with an appointment in Computer Science at Purdue University, where he has been a member of the faculty since 1987. He also has courtesy appointments as a professor of Philosophy , a professor of Communication , a professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering , and a professor of Political Science. He is the Executive Director of the Purdue University Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS). In 2012 he was named as one of Purdue's inaugural Morrill Professors -- the university's highest award for the combination of scholarship, teaching, and service.
Blake Self was initially most widely known for co-authoring the first commercial encrypted instant messenger with Dr. Cyrus Peikari while at VirusMD in the late 90s. He has since become known for his various talks at information security conferences. He has been attending Defcon since high school and has given several talks. He has also spoken at the SERC Showcase, CERIAS Symposium, S^2ERC Showcase, and Hackcon. He has worked as a SIPRNET Administrator, Department of Defense Red Team Analyst, Director of Information Technology, and R&D at various corporations. He currently works in the financial sector and was directly involved in defending against the DDoS attacks of Operation Ababil. Blake holds a M.S. in Computer Science from Purdue University.
Dan Farmer was born on April 5, 1962 and a renowned American computer security researcher. He wrote COPS (Computer Oracle and Password System) for identifying security issues on Unix systems under Gene Spafford. He was in charge of the technical aspects of computer and network security for Silicon Graphics and Sun Microsystems.