Jester Sluggo is a Phrack author or contributor since Phrack Volume 1 Issue 6. He is an old schooler from the mid 80s and has written some tutorials about Hacking Unix boxes.
Patrick Kroupa, aka Lord Digital, is an American hacker, writer and activist born in January, 1969 in Los Angeles. He was a member of the first pirate/cracking crew ever for Apple computers known as The Apple Mafia and other well known groups such as the Knights of Shadow. He created a phreaking and hacking toolkit for the Apple II called Phantom Access, and wrote countless papers on phreaking and hacking early Apple systems in his early teens. As a member of Legion of Doom, he was involved in The Great Hacker war. The hacker war, along with many members of LOD being arrested as a result of federal crackdowns prompted him to co-found MindVox with Dead Lord in 1991. He is also the author of "Voices in my Head, MindVox: The Overture", a compelling first-person view of the hacker underground during the "Golden Age" of cyberspace.