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Forum topic MRI wont boot for me Raamses 4 14 years 29 weeks
Forum topic Seasons Greetings P4r4n0idz 5 14 years 8 weeks
Forum topic Bittorrent / Alcohol 120 arh2010 4 14 years 33 weeks
Forum topic URL links not working in IE8 after Chrome uninstall Kalit101 5 14 years 29 weeks
Forum topic Driver Packs octhrope 8 12 years 29 weeks
Forum topic A few neophyte reversing questions Sundevil 4 14 years 3 weeks
Forum topic POT grey 3 14 years 9 weeks
Forum topic recycling mkdsbunnell 6 13 years 40 weeks
Forum topic Kill the LOL paqratst1 6 14 years 9 weeks
Forum topic Facebook HackerCup Beowulf 14 years 9 weeks
Forum topic NulledScriptz, TemplateP2P & Scriptmafia Invites Rocket 7 14 years 13 weeks
Forum topic FBI issues 40 search warrants for WikiLeaks activists CraniX 14 years 3 weeks
Forum topic Bluray compression jokawild 5 14 years 8 weeks
FAQ What is the policy on blogs (SX Member Pages)? RaT 16 years 17 weeks
FAQ What is DoS/DDoS? RaT 16 years 40 weeks
FAQ What are wargames? otacon 16 years 40 weeks
FAQ What is IRC? RaT 16 years 40 weeks
FAQ What is a back door? otacon 16 years 40 weeks
FAQ Where do I get started? RaT 15 years 21 weeks
FAQ What is Linux? RaT 16 years 40 weeks
FAQ Is SOLDIERX on Facebook? RaT 13 years 48 weeks
FAQ What is the privacy policy of RaT 16 years 13 weeks
FAQ What is root? otacon 16 years 40 weeks
FAQ How can I get VIP access RaT 14 years 48 weeks
FAQ What is the license for SOLDIERX authored software? RaT 14 years 1 day
FAQ What is the main goal of the Hacker Database? (Known as the HDB) Amp 16 years 8 weeks
FAQ What is the best Linux Distribution? RaT 16 years 38 weeks
FAQ Why can't I see some of the links on the site? RaT 16 years 24 weeks
FAQ How can I join SOLDIERX? RaT 15 years 21 weeks
FAQ What are exploits? RaT 16 years 40 weeks
FAQ Why can't I see any replies on forums or comments on other items? RaT 16 years 1 week
FAQ What is the history of SOLDIERX? RaT 15 years 20 weeks
FAQ How can I help SOLDIERX? RaT 16 years 24 weeks
FAQ What is a good VPN provider? RaT 7 years 46 weeks
FAQ What is the usage policy of RaT 16 years 13 weeks
Book UNIX® Network Programming Volume 1: The Sockets RaT 16 years 31 weeks
Book Applied Cryptography, Second Edition: Protocols, Algorthms, and Source Code in C RaT 16 years 28 weeks
Book The Book of Overclocking: Tweak Your PC to Unleash Its Power RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Understanding the Linux Kernel RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Snort Cookbook RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Silence on the Wire: A Field Guide to Passive Reconnaissance and Indirect Attacks RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Network Security Tools RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Hacker Disassembling Uncovered RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book C++ Coding Standards: 101 Rules, Guidelines, and Best Practices durandal 16 years 30 weeks
Book Automating UNIX and Linux Administration durandal 16 years 30 weeks
Book C Primer Plus RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Perl Best Practices RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Hacking: The Art of Exploitation RaT 3 6 years 14 weeks
Book C# Cookbook RaT 16 years 30 weeks
Book Security in Computing RaT 16 years 30 weeks