From his THOTCON Bio:
"Chris is the Founder, CISO and Chief Geek of One World Labs, an assessment, remediation and research facility in the Front range area of Colorado. Chris has played a variety of roles both inside and as a consultant to the IT security, engineering, and architecture/design operations of a number of Fortune 500 companies across the finance, retail, energy, and services sectors. He has previously worked as an FBI business liaison. He has a wealth of experience conducting vulnerability assessments, penetration testing, compromise investigations, and digital forensics examinations of all types of information systems. He is also adept at searching in cyberspace, including the dark corners that most search engines avoid because of the security threats they pose. Chris has also worked on, developed and implemented company-wide information security awareness programs and trains management and employees on IT security topics."
Chris also speaks at a variety of security conferences about his research.
Ray Kaplan gave the talk "To Hack or Not To Hack, That Is Not The Question" at DEFCON 1.
He owned a publishing company, which failed, and a newsletter called "The Ray"
Not much is known about Ray aside from what was said in his DEFCON talk.
Zack Anderson is co-founder and COO of Levant Power Corp. He was originally scheduled to give his first DEFCON talk at DEFCON 16 regarding MTA Subway Hacking. However, a federal injunction prevented him from giving the talk. As a result of the MTA's federal claim, their presentation became a part of public record thus allowing the world to see the results of their research.
Dr. Sudhir Aggarwal is a security researcher currently employed by Florida State University.
At DEFCON 16 he spoke about "Password Cracking on a Budget" alongside Matt Weir.
Matt was a trainer/speaker at Blackhat for a number of years & the founder of bugscan inc.
Defcon 8 speach:
syke - Open Source Utilities and How To Use Them to Test IDSes and Firewalls (12.9M MP3)
This talk showcases free/open-source utilities and how to use them to test IDSes and firewalls. There have been a few talks on the common weaknesses of both kinds of products, but no practical means by which to test for said weaknesses. The point of the talk is to enable people to test vendor's claims (or their own products) themselves. This talk would be of interest to developers, security admins, product reviewers, and white/blackhat hackers. Knowledge of TCP/IP and programming are recommended.
Original Goon, Rabble-rouser & taller than Priest
Superpowers: Phear and Loathing
Best con moment: The flight into madness...
Favorite con event: Bad Craziness @ PoolCon
PGP Key: On keyservers.
Introduced by: Self introduced @ DEF CON I
Involved since: Pre-Planning DEF CON I
Contact: gonzo at goons dot org
Web Page:
Robert spent approximately 11 years in the Army working in intelligence. He is currently working as a systems engineer for a fire department and has been very active in the Defcon community (including photography). From our interactions with him at Defcon, he's always been a very friendly guy who supports open discussion about information security.
He lists his specialities as:
CMSCE training 1999. Deployment for OIF/OEF 2005-2008. Immediately deployable for worldwide missions with little or no notice. Civil Affairs/PSYOP Instructor. Diplomacy, public speaking, intelligence, FID/UW., system administration, network design, policy review, technical writing, analysis.
Pyr0 is a Senior Contest Goon /Retired Security Goon & reported to be one of the more "serious" hackers that attend defcon. He is promoted to be able to get past any barrier be it physical or software wise to achieve his goal. We believe there may be some exaggeration of this, but he's got a wide range of knowledge in his reported 19 years (as of this writing) worth of experience.
Superpowers: Making things go BOOM, the ability to control large groups of unfriendly people with a single glance, and stealing all your infoz! (I'm in your corporation, bypassin' all your controls!)
Best con moment: I can't legally answer that.
Worst con moment: Realizing that some of the best people I have ever known will never be attending con again. (R.I.P. - PacBell/ P4ntz / Shadow / Ghent)
Favorite con event: Gooning / Drop kicking misbehaving children / 303 Party
PGP Key: on my servers
Introduced by: self
Involved since: DEF CON 6
Contact: pyr0 at pyr0 dot net | Web Page:
Neil has been a defcon goon since 2000 after being introduced to the con by Russ from
Neil's job(s) at defcon include "Vendor Goon, Scavenger Hunt and Movie Channel Organizer. New whipping boy & lab munkey."
Neil owns and operates
Dead Addict, a mainstay of DefCon, is one of the few hackers who has been with the conference from year one when he helped founder Jeff Moss organize the first gathering and secure the participation of Arizona Assistant Attorney General Gail Thackeray to speak to the hackers following her work on the notorious Operation Sun Devil case.
Dead Addict says that many of the hackers that gave DefCon its renegade reputation in earlier days have now grown up and, like himself, launched legitimate careers in security with big-name tech companies. But a lucrative day job leaves DefCon’s hackers to focus on what Dead Addict says is the original sense of hacking. He has worked for several companies - to include (but not limited to) Microsoft, Globeset, Visa, Ubizen, and Research in Motion. His real name was discovered by SX researchers via patents that he filed, in combination with him giving out that his first name was "Eli".