
Simo Ben Youssef

IRL Name: 
Simo Ben Youssef

Simo Ben Youssef is the founder of MorXploit. He is a vulnerability researcher and an exploit coder. He has also coded numerous security tools and wrote security white papers.


Moxie Marlinspike

IRL Name: 
Matthew Rosenfeld

Moxie Marlinspike is a computer security researcher who was the chief technology officer and co-founder of Whisper Systems, which was acquired by Twitter for an undisclosed amount in late 2011. Marlinspike is also a member of the Institute For Disruptive Studies, runs a cloud-based WPA cracking service, manages the GoogleSharing targeted anonymity service, and is the author of the Convergence SSL authenticity system.



IRL Name: 
Shawn Webb

Lattera is a longtime part of the SX Crew, having joined on 5 August, 2010. Prior to this, he was most well known for his work with libhijack. Since then, he has focused greatly on hardening BSD, much to the extent where he started HardenedBSD with Oliver Pinter. During this time he has presented his work to numerous events. Currently, lattera is a part of the high council of the crew and is looking to further his progress with HBSD.



IRL Name: 
Michele Orrù

Michele Orrù a.k.a antisnatchor is the core developer of the BeEF project. He is one of the authors of Browser Hacker's Handbook, which will be out by late 2013 from Wiley. He is a frequent speaker at hacking conferences, including CONFidence, DeepSec, Hacktivity, SecurityByte, AthCon, HackPra, Semafor, Just4Meeting, OWASP AppSec USA, 44Con, EUSecWest, Ruxcon, ZeroNights and more.


nu11-v0!d, Tringle2011

IRL Name: 
Indranil Banerjee

Indranil Banerjee is one of the co-founders of OpenFire Technologies. He is interested in reverse engineering, exploit development, malware analysis and mitigating vulnerabilities at OpenFire Research Labs. His work and investigation on several cases landed him working with Kolkata Police and CID-west Bengal and IB (Inteligence Burue) of India. A part of His research on SCADA Security Assessment was published in some security magazines.


ht_shahmeer, Muhammad Shahmeer

IRL Name: 
Shahmeer Amir

Muhammad Shahmeer is a bug hunter and a security researcher from Pakistan and one of the core members of Maads Security. He is included in Hackerone's Top Hackers before until a new reputation system has been applied wherein it has been found out that he has been submitting ridiculous bugs although some are good but most are funny and nonsense.


David Mirza Ahmad

IRL Name: 
David Mirza Ahmad

David started his career as a a founding member of Security Focus, which was acquired by Symantec in 2002. David also moderated the Bugtraq mailing list, a historically important forum for discussion of security vulnerabilities, for over four years. He has spoken at Black Hat, Can Sec West, AusCERT and numerous other security conferences, as well as made contributions to books, magazines and other publications. David also participated in a NIAC working group on behalf of Symantec to develop the first version of the CVSS (Common Vulnerability Scoring System) model and served as editor for the Attack Trends section of IEEE Security & Privacy for over three years.


Dafydd Stuttard

IRL Name: 
Dafydd Stuttard

Dafydd Stuttard is the creator of Burp Suite, and author of The Web Application Hacker's Handbook. He is a CESG-certified CHECK Team Leader, and has worked with numerous companies and government bodies to help secure their critical systems.


David Wagner

IRL Name: 
David A. Wagner

David Wagner is an American computer professor and is a researcher in in cryptography and computer security. He is a member of the Election Assistance Commission's Technical Guidelines Development Committee, tasked with assisting the EAC in drafting the Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. He Discovered a flaw in the implementation of SSL in Netscape Navigator (with Ian Goldberg).

His other notable achievements include:
- He has published two books and over 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers. His notable achievements include:
- Served as Principal Investigator for the source code review and also the documentation review of the historic California state Top-to-Bottom review of electronic voting systems certified for use. Flaws found with vendor-supplied voting machines resulted in decertification and provisional recertification by the Secretary of State.
- Cryptanalysis of WEP, the security protocol used in 802.11 "WiFi" networks (with Nikita Borisov and Ian Goldberg)
- Cryptanalysis of the A5/1 stream cipher used in GSM cellphones (with Alex Biryukov and Adi Shamir)
- Cryptanalysis of Microsoft's PPTP tunnelling protocol (with Bruce Schneier and "Mudge")
- Invention of the slide attack, a new form of cryptanalysis (with Alex Biryukov); also the boomerang attack and mod n cryptanalysis (the latter with Bruce Schneier and John Kelsey)
- Development of Twofish block cipher, which was a finalist for NIST's Advanced Encryption Standard competition (with Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, Chris Hall, and Niels Ferguson)


William Pugh

IRL Name: 
William Worthington (Bill) Pugh Jr.

William Worthington (Bill) Pugh Jr. is an American computer scientist who invented the skip list and the Omega test for deciding Presburger arithmetic. He was the co-author of the static code analysis tool FindBugs, and was highly influential in the development of the current memory model of the Java language together with his PhD student Jeremy Manson.

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