
Population reduction under the guise of ecology

The primary task of a government should be to serve the people. That's usually against their nature as shown in this video. The approaches are still visible today.

Code error exposes Facebook information to marketers

Privacy concerns and Facebook seem to go hand-in hand. Information abuses appear to be showing up increasingly more often. The way Facebook coded links for marketers and app makers could have exposed a significant amount of user information.

All the security problems figured out

The security firm Symantec is very helpful. It provides software to individuals. In a blog post yesterday, Symantec's engineers revealed a "spare key" flaw in the programming of Facebook. Facebook had already taken corrective action by the time Symantec revealed the flaw. A ton of passwords and personal account information was revealed with this spare key. The key, if properly used, would have allowed advertisers to access accounts, chats and friend details.

How to protect yourself

Stay Tuned...

It seems that I finally have some free time for once. Time to jump back into the game, even if it is for six weeks or so. Expect new content soon.

Sx shirt

Today I went to Bestbuy to help my cousin buy a wireless router because he fried his cheap AT&T one. So we were looking around next to the geek squad area where the routers are. I noticed I was getting stares from them. Then when we went to pay the cashier just kept staring at me. When we got out to the car my cousin asked dude what did you do to them cause they kept staring at you. Then it hit me...I was proudly wearing my SX shirt lol that was the funniest shit. Guess our reputation precedes us lol

Happy 420!!!

A bowl in honor of every one of you.

Amp Blasts: Apathetic Crew Members

Note: The following writing is Amp's views and opinions.

Well, this is something that I didn't want to write about, but after some realizations I think it would be bad for me not to address this. I've kind of noticed that despite retiring a year ago, I've actually done more work than many members of the SX Crew have. This is something that has me legitimately dismayed given that individuals becoming a part of the crew know that maintaining a spot requires that they regularly contribute content. What really bothered me though is the lack of tutorials on the site lately as it is one of the best opportunities to contribute something unique.

Disable Windows 7 Password Expiration Notification

Do not have to worry about Windows 7 Password Expiration Notification
I found it annoying when Windows 7 one day told me that my User password was about to expire. If you are like me I would rather be the one in control of when I change my password rather than Windows dictating this.
What is Windows 7 Password Expiration?
If a user uses the same password for a long period of time, the possibility of the password being discovered and used by an attacker increases. In a domain, Group Policy is commonly used to force users to change their password on a regular basis.

Group Policy allows you to configure a setting one time and have it apply to all users or computers equally. The Default Domain Policy is created when the domain is created, and it includes several settings for the Password Policy.

Amp Blasts: Lazy College Students

Note: Like always, the following is an opinion piece and are Amp's views.

I have made it a point to not really talk about what I have been doing since I left SX, but I figure that I may as well talk about it finally. Since January 2010, I have been going back to school. I will state that my opinion on this is that I should do as well as possible since it isn't exactly cheap to get a college education these days. Unfortunately, I have found plenty of people who do not share this point of view.

(The following is TL;DR territory most likely and is just a rant, so feel free to jump back in when I say that it is done at the bottom of this post.)


it is approx. 3:20AM with nothing to do while I wait for 4:00AM to role around to go eat breakfest.

12 programming issues to avoid

InfoWorld's Peter Wayner outlines some of the most common programming mistakes and how to avoid them. 'Certain programming practices send the majority of developers reaching for their hair upon opening a file that has been exhibiting too much "character." Spend some time in a bar near any tech company, and you'll hear the howls: Why did the programmer use that antiquated structure? Where was the mechanism for defending against attacks from the Web? Wasn't any thought given to what a noob would do with the program?' Wayner writes. From playing it fast and loose, to delegating too much to frameworks, to relying too heavily on magic boxes, to overdetermining the user experience — each programming pitfall is accompanied by its opposing pair, lending further proof that 'programming may in fact be transforming into an art, one that requires a skilled hand and a creative mind to achieve a happy medium between problematic extremes.'"

Programming mistake No. 1: Playing it fast and loose

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