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Forum topic Shellshocker - Repository of "Shellshock" Proof of Concept Code alcohologist 10 years 8 weeks
Forum topic Owning and Proud - Brave Defacers indeed alcohologist 4 11 years 44 weeks
HDB Bo Zhang alcohologist 12 years 27 weeks
HDB Jon Callas alcohologist 11 years 39 weeks
HDB Sergei Golubchik alcohologist 12 years 25 weeks
HDB Hacker Fairy alcohologist 12 years 18 weeks
HDB Ilfak Guilfanov alcohologist 11 years 51 weeks
HDB Alexey Sintsov alcohologist 11 years 40 weeks
HDB Walter Goulet alcohologist 12 years 26 weeks
HDB Rick Ellis alcohologist 11 years 37 weeks
HDB Darmawan Salihun alcohologist 12 years 20 weeks
HDB Caleb Sima alcohologist 8 years 33 weeks
HDB Brute Logic alcohologist 2 years 32 weeks
HDB DarkCoderSc alcohologist 12 years 31 weeks
HDB Th3 Pr0 alcohologist 11 years 3 weeks
HDB Bernardo Damele A. G. alcohologist 12 years 31 weeks
HDB The Fixer, etaFixer, thefixer25, fix, c0aX, ballsdeep alcohologist 12 years 6 weeks
HDB Z4R4THUSTR4, JeyJey alcohologist 10 years 39 weeks
HDB Aseem Jakhar alcohologist 12 years 30 weeks
HDB Peter alcohologist 11 years 50 weeks
HDB Tobias Klein alcohologist 12 years 27 weeks
HDB Margaret Hamilton alcohologist 9 years 48 weeks
HDB Andrew Hogg alcohologist 11 years 41 weeks
HDB Gobo alcohologist 12 years 23 weeks
HDB JJ Allaire alcohologist 11 years 28 weeks
HDB KnowledgeUS alcohologist 11 years 21 weeks
HDB bwall, botnet_hunter alcohologist 8 years 32 weeks
HDB Ibrahim M. El-Sayed alcohologist 11 years 15 weeks
HDB maxpl0it alcohologist 1 year 35 weeks
HDB Mario Vuksan alcohologist 11 years 11 weeks
HDB OussamiO alcohologist 12 years 31 weeks
HDB PhantomHacker Khalifa alcohologist 8 years 11 weeks
HDB z3r0kul alcohologist 12 years 31 weeks
HDB geeknik alcohologist 7 years 38 weeks
HDB Anestis Bechtsoudis alcohologist 12 years 11 weeks
HDB Natalya Kaspersky alcohologist 12 years 31 weeks
HDB Trezdog44 alcohologist 7 years 26 weeks
HDB NoL1M1T alcohologist 10 years 37 weeks
HDB EVLF DEV/ EVLF alcohologist 1 year 14 weeks
HDB Travis Goodspeed alcohologist 11 years 10 weeks
HDB Irfan Shakeel alcohologist 12 years 32 weeks
HDB van Hauser alcohologist 8 years 8 weeks
HDB Chanda Leir alcohologist 12 years 14 weeks
HDB Ankit Fadia alcohologist 12 years 31 weeks
HDB Benny alcohologist 7 years 25 weeks
HDB Rafay Baloch alcohologist 11 years 51 weeks
HDB Dshocker alcohologist 11 years 47 weeks
HDB Leonard Chin alcohologist 12 years 28 weeks
HDB nino alcohologist 11 years 42 weeks
HDB Debasis Mohanty alcohologist 12 years 26 weeks